The Unfold – In Conversation
As we make a Walking Score we hand over the act of doing to others. What is it that we hand over? How do we think about this act? What comes forward? Can we by the relay support each others practices and embark on grounds not treaded before in our practice? Can we facillitate the development of our own practice by doing a project with in another on? If we do so what happens?
The Unfold is in its original edition will create 12 original walking scores by artist from various disciplines. The curatorial format asks one artist to hand over to the next artist and so on. In 1-3 months post the original performance the originator and performer meets to have a conversation about the score. The below listing unfolds as the relay develops. The concept forms a link between artists and initiates a conversation on walking scores and the experience of walking a score to open up a dialog on scores and on modes of production. In The Unfold we initiate this process by handing over the score to another artist to perform. However the idea of the score is not to be for that artist only but for others to also do.
SCORE 1: Sculpture You
Conversation between Berg Duo (originators) and Rebekah Dean (performer)
Time of performance : September 1-9, 2024
Site: Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, N3 3QE London, United Kingdom.
Time of conversation: November 6, 2024
Notes from conversation:
(Mock up text, to be replaced)
As Berg Duo got the invitation to be part of a sculpture trail they asked the curator if it was possible to submit a walking score. Dean encouraged the idea and Berg Duo developed the score as a response to the other temorary sculptures and to introduces the visitor them self as a sculpture.
Sculpture You was performed at two occasions by Dean and Morton Griffiths. The repetitiveness created an entusiasm by the other artists to have it happen infront of their art work. Berg Duo was excited about the approach as they thought the score would be for visitors only as it was printed in the hand out folder/program for visitors of the sculpture trail to perform by themselves as they walked the trail.
Rebekah Dean who has been a bit sceptic towards the concept of walking scores. She talked with joy about the drawing aspect of the performance and the deep connectivity with the other artist
It’s a quite challenging task to take on as one is exposed. But we hope that it gave a context of engaging more with each sculpture in the ritual-celebration of each work.
The format of The Unfold came out of the conversation that took place between Dean and Berg Duo on November 5th 2024.
The score to Sculpture You
Act 1: Seek out a high spot where you can be seen
1. Hold both hands in front of you like you are diving.
2. Move your hands above your head as if you would dive into the sky.
Repeat 5 times slowly.
Act 2: In front of each sculpture along the trail
1. Stand with collected feet. Arms and hands along your side.
2. Lift your right arm to the side with your palm facing downwards.
3. Lift your left arm to the side with your palm facing downwards.
4. Stand still with both arms at the height of your shoulders and slowly turn both palms towards the sky. Remain with palms up. Take 4 deep breaths
5. On the 5th breath wiggle both hands before you slowly lower your arms. Meet the sculpture in front of you.
Repeat 1-5 in front of each sculpture
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The video was made at the Orange Gardens in Rome Italy as a compliment to the instructions. The set up in the orange gardes across the street where the artists had their accommodation (Circolo Scandinavio), have a number of stone podiums providing for the artists not to do the score infront of sculptures but rather becoming sculptures and doing the gestures of the score.
Like to artists score page >>>
Conversation between Rebekah Dean (originator) and Nahelli Chavoya
Time of performance : TBA
Time of conversation: TBA
Notes from conversation:
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Conversation between Nahelli Chavoya (originator) and
Time of performance : TBA
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Time of performance : TBA
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Time of performance : TBA
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