Walking as Artform, We Tread Together With Proximity
John Shuerman presenting at ASI >>>
WAPC/Walking As Practice Collective is a group of artists dedicated to traversing spaces to rethink and critique systematic constraints. In motion, they challenge norms and propose the distribution of agency by employing acts of vulnerability as a strategy to build togetherness.
WAP/Walking As Practice program initiated 2023 by Berg Duo
walkingaspractice.org is about the relation between art and walking and to engage in new projects.
WAPC/Walking As Practice Collective is a group of artists dedicated to traversing spaces to rethink and critique structural constraints. In motion, they challenge norms and propose the distribution of agency by employing acts of vulnerability as a strategy to build togetherness.
Read more about methodology and curatorial concept of WAP >>>
Read about BKN the location for the first thee WAP >>>
WAP/Walking As Practice program initiated 2023 by Berg Duo
walkingaspractice.org is about the relation between art and walking and to engage in new projects.
co-curator WAP23 September Edition
My creative research practice is informed by critical place theory, walking, and a material knowledge of printmaking and drawing. My work considers walkingand drawing based methodologies as forms of critical inquiry and dialogue with place. As a settler-descendent living in Australia, the challenge of how to address the complexities of walking unceded territories is a fundamental question. How can walking enable re-conceptualisations of place that nurture ethical relations? I am a recognized tertiary educator and have taught Printmaking, Drawing and Critical Practices at the University of Tasmania for the past ten years. My work is held in significant public collections, and I have exhibited and undertaken residencies nationally and internationally.Her WAPC commitment drives the ambition to make a print publication of WAP during 2025. Co-Curator
co-curator WAP23 June Edition
John Schuerman is an environmental artist and independent curator. His artwork reflects his deep interest in nature both human and nonhuman. His aesthetic style and social consciousness formed as he grew up on a dairy farm in southern Wisconsin. His primary art practices are Walking and Drawing, which he uses to examine his community’s physical and psychic landscapes. As a curator he’s produced over 30 exhibitions across the Midwest on topics that address current concerns in our collective psyche. He works towards a WAPC participation in an artist driven art fair during 2025.
curators and instigators of WAP
BERG DUO – move between studio based and the outdoor practice. Walking is an integral part of their work. It intersects lens and embodied practices, towards reconfigurations of subjectivity by visualizing possible futures. Concepts of in-between and the state of becoming are central and their work is relates to artistic research on care, proximity, and responsibility.
BERG DUO Ami Skånberg and Anna Viola Hallberg are based out of Stockholm and Gothenburg with a Fellowship studio at Björkö through BKN.
Co-curators with John Schuerman of WAPC participation at Supermarket
the collective is derived from its affiliated team members. The collective is generated for specific projects and holds different members for various projects.
WAPC was formed to support each other’s practice . WAPC artist are located in many parts of the world. Members are invited by the instigators of WAP, and remain members as they are active in WAPC by sharing and caring.
WAPC Affiliated Artists Expositions on Research Catalogue:
WAP23 & WAP 24: Janice Jensen, Bernadita Bennet, Cliff Andrade, Bergo Duo, Hayley Whelan, Juanma González, Antonia Aitken, Rebekah Dean, Heather Kapplow
WAP24, Elisabeth Billander, John Schuerman
WAP23: Nahelli Chavoya, Aurike QuintelierHer WAPC commitment drives the ambition to make a print publication of WAP during 2025.
- WAPC artists to do walking scores at Supermarket Art Fair , Stockholm Sweden, April 2025
- John Schuerman presenting on WAP24 at the American Swedish institute in Minneapolis, Us, Feb 13th. 2025 >>>
- Antonia Aitken presenting on WAP24 in Tasmania, TBA.
- The Unfold is a series based on a relay of walking scores from one artist to the other initiated in 2024 and carried out during 2025. First hand over and conversation between Rebekah Dean and Berg Duo>>>
- The Unfold a relay based series started in November 2024 >>>
- Anne Laure Vernet, S’arrêter pour voir : les photographes de paysage et la pause at La marche en montagne en tant que pratique langagière, thesthétique et politique, Université du Lorraine i Metz, France, Nov 5th
- Ami Skånberg presents: Walking like Yamamba : a workshop through Japanese suriashi walking, at La marche en montagne en tant que pratique langagière, esthétique et politique , Université du Lorraine i Metz , France, Nov 5
- Berg Duo together with local organizations on Björkö, Sweden arranges Darkness Walk (live torches) to the quarry, Oct 26, 2024
- Rebekah Dean (WAP23/24) curated “The Sky is moving sideways” London UK. Among the line-up 4 WAP artists Sept 2024.
- Ami Skånberg, Fernanda Branco, and Cecilia Lagerström present on walking related issues at Alliances and Commonalities, UniArts, Stockholm, Sweden
- Ami Skånberg Research week, UNI ARTS, Stockholm, Sweden
- 5 WAP artists in Boogieland @ Supermarket24, Stockholm, Sweden
WAP/Walking As Practice program initiated 2023 by Berg Duo
walkingaspractice.org is about the relation between art and walking and to engage in new projects.
Walking or proximity related videos and photographs by WAPC affiliated artists.
WAP25 program at BKN
Björkö, Sweden
Curatorial Framework: Walking With Passion/Sister Forest (Art Trail)
- APPLY NOW for WAP25>>>
- WAP25 takes place in May at BKN in the Northern Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden.
May 16th Lunch and Share Session (mini conference)
Group 1: May 2-16
Group 2: May 16-30- WAP25 Research Catalogue (link to be announced)
Program at BKN
Björkö, SwedenCuratorial Framework: Spaces of Anticipation
- Venue for 2024 was BKN/Björkö Konstnod in Sweden
- Co-curators John Schuerman, United States and Antonia Aitken Australia
- Research Catalogue
- WAP24 in collaboration with ABF Norrtälje, several public walks and share sessions
- Self Directed walkers during several periods in 2024.
Program at BKN
Björkö, Sweden
Curatorial Framework: Atentative Walking
- SHORTLISTED WAP23 on RC (fall of 2024) for The Marŝarto Awards recognize exceptional walking art.
- WAP23 RC covers more than 25 international artists participating in the initial edition of the program Walking As Practice in Sweden. The theme for the explorations was “Attentive Walking”. Each artist made an exposition in Research Catalogue.
- WAP23 in collaboration with ABF Norrtälje, several public walks and share sessions (September – November)
- WAP was formed in April 2023 by Berg Duo as a program at AiR BKN/Björkö Konstnod, Sweden. An
- Björkö Konstnod group exhibition Norrtälje Konst I Ån, curated by Anna Viola Hallberg. An outdoor exhibition along the river in Norrtälje, Sweden. Some of the works based in walking.
- Venue for 2023 was BKN/Björkö Konstnod in Sweden
- Berg Duo together with local organizations on Björkö, Sweden arranges Darkness Walk (live torches) to the quarry, Oct, 2023
- With studio support from Region Stockholm. Public outreach with ABF Norrtälje.
Contact & Colophon
wapc @ walking as practice.org (remove blank spaces)
In the subject line write the name of the artist/curator you want to reach
we are located in several places on different continents and we in urban and rural areas
More about the way WAPC approaches art+walking, mostly our point of departure is walking with proximity at times with humor, at times way more serious. >>>
WAP JUNE EDITION co-curator: John Schuerman, USA
WAP SEPTEMBER EDITION co-curator: Antonia Aitken, Australia
WAPC Supermarket curators: John Schuerman and Berg Duo
Print Publication: Antonia Aitken
Social Media: Hayley Whelan @walkingaspracticecollective
Website development: Berg Duo
WAP and WAPC instigators and curators: Berg Duo, Sweden
WAP23, WAP24, WAP25 in collaboration with BKN

Background image John Schuerman